Text To Speech

RhVoice Logo - Green disk with RHVoice in white

For Blind and Print Disabled Software Users

We build and operate Text-To-Speech applications using the RHVoice system.

These provide fast, responsive voices intended for blind users and others who cannot read the printed word easily.

Mostly Free

For the most part, our voices are supplied free, having been provided by sponsoring organizations or volunteers.

Build or Sponsor a New Voice

RHvoice dot org logo

Please visit our sister-site, RHVoice.org for details of how you can build your own applications, create new voices, and contribute to the Open Source project.

Louder Pages dot org logo

LouderPages.org develops free voices for under-served languages, obtaining funding from grants or under contract.


The current version of our Android App is built using the RHVoice Open Source code available on GitHub. We maintain a version available on the Google Play store.

Windows and Linux

SAPI and NVDA voices are supplied by various developers. Please go to RHVoice.org for directions.

You can build your own Linux TTS from the RHVoice GitHub repo.


Coming Soon

For iOS, iPadOS and MacOS.

Watch this space!